Lakers are what I am chosing to write about because I like them and they are my favorite team.
they have won 16 championships. My favorite player is kobe number 24. Kobe bryant is a super good basketball plaer and has scored up to 81 points in one game it was toronto raptors vs. lakers. The lakers arent doing so good because
Kobe got injured and paul gasol hasnt bein playing lately either Plus most of the lakers players are getting old kobe for example is the best player on there team, now that hes getting older though hes getting injured more badly for longer too.
Overall The lakers are definetely a legendary team just they are going downhill. I have always been a fan of the lakers and even though they doing bad I dont care just hopefully they will get bettter soon. kobe bryant holds the record of second most shots made in one game right underneath wilt chamberlain who made 100 points in one game.

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